To watch the shower move down the length of the street, and continue, made me aware the gift given to me was stepping outside just then to witness the rain darkening the asphalt, to observe the line between wet and dry diminish until the rain reached me, and in its wake, to inhale the olfactory stimulant of ionized air. That such a natural event inspires a child’s laughter and distinguishes itself as a perfect oxymoron, is testimony to its definition, especially after I return inside, to savor prismed raindrops beading the lenses of my glasses.

Latest Comments

  1. This is a great story!! It’s amazing to hear the progression of a self-righteous choice through glasses. Keep it up!!

  2. great story! Did you shoot better with glasses ?

  3. Wow! what a beautiful story and at the same time so true, glasses are MAGICAL.

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